Easy colors
There are 2 types of easy colors :
With 0 lock and with 1 lock.
Colors with 0 lock :
Advantage :
Easy to create (perfect for beginners)
Can easily match with all the others colors (0 at 3 locks)
Cheap in pets generation (minimum 8 pets for a pure breeding pair)
- Only 2 official colors (silver and gray)
- Colors are
To create the pure, i'm using this processe, normaly used for muted projects.
This is the same sketch with my method.
You will have a breeding pair as result.
You will also be able to splices every stage, so a maximum 3v pure couple with spliceable offspring.
the "v" next of the number means mutation(s) (I don't know why...)
If you want to have more mutation on your final project this what you have to do.
Switch the B couple with C. Do to same with F and G.
For some reason, it doesn't consider the parents as the same, so the offspring will be able to breed with ABCDEFGH for a 4v couple.