The colors it what make you pet unique ! Some pure liner used to choose the same colors on all they pure projects as a specificity. I used to look at pets that already exist to inspire my works. Create pure It's a good part of creativity.
I have classified the colors in 4 types of difficulty :
Difficulty 0 : colors with 0 locked colors - silver #C0C0C0 or gray #808080 (Easy to create)
Difficulty 1 : colors with 1 locked colors - Teal #008080 or Pink #FFC0CB (Easy to create)
Difficulty 2 : colors with 2 locked colors - Gold #FFD700 or Navy #000080 (Less easy)
Difficulty 3 : colors with 3 locked colors - Black #000000 or Withe #FFFFFF (Very difficult to create)
The locked colors are 00 and FF, you can only get them in pet codes with generation.
How the colors works
It's important to know how the colors works :
The hex color code is composed of 3 Double numbers/letters going to 00 at FF (also know as 0 and 255)
For example, pure purple is composed of # 80 00 80 (128, 0, 128) You can see this information by over mouse the color of your pet.
To Have the 00 in the purple color you need to generated a pet, is the only way to get the 00 (like the FF).
For this to happen you need to Lock the color.
Where the color is lock, you have 100 % chance to have exactly the same number entered in your pet code (the others codes will be nearly randomized) if for this reason you have to lock the color where you need it (red or green or blue). Know that you can block only one colors at the same time.
Breeding pets to get the purefect code
You looking to have the black color (#000000)
You have a pet locked on red with #000104 and a other pet locked on red with #000307 and you breed them. you have obtain #000206.
You will nether be able to get a #000000 by breeding those tow pets. They don't have lock green or blue. by breeding those pets you can only get pets between #000104 and #000307.
To have a pet like #0000XX you have to breed your pet #000104 (locked on red) with #020005 (locked on green). they will be able to breed a pet like #0000XX.
Now you have a pet like #0000XX you can breed it with a pet with 00 locked at blue and green/red #XX0000 or #00XX00. Thoses pets will be able to breed the pure black #000000.
With the purple color #800080 you only need to breed pets locked on green to get a pure pet.
You understand why the colors like Black are difficult to breed.
More the color is difficult more your need to generated pets to be able to get all the locked colors on the same code.
Colors code language
Last thing you have to know about colors is how to read them. We are using the silver (#C0C0C0) color for this explication.
C0 is 192, C1 is 193, C2 is 194... C9 is 201, CA is 202, CB is 203... CF is 207 and D0 is 208.
It follow the same shape.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F (and it start over)
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F [...]
You don't to need know it by heart but is good to know how it works.